Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mood and blood sugar

Something strange happens when one skips meals for too many hours: you may feel tired, mentally exhausted, and irritable[1][3]. This makes it hard to be productive and effectively engage in social activities. The questions how much, what kind of food, and when it should be consumed come to mind.

Some studies say that at least a small meal should be consumed every 3 hours [2]. This is a way to keep the metabolism going [2]. However, it is not always quantity but quality as often is the case in general. This article talks about food that could help better moods :

The correlation between mood and blood sugar seems like a subtle thing that may elude some folks. Mood isn't just the product of stimuli from the environment around us, but also internal mechanisms that we can control. Eating the right foods can better prepare us for life's daily challenges.


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