- Arrays, pointers, strings, dynamic memory
- Java doesn't let you pass by reference or work with the original object by calling a function with a pointer
- c takes pointers and lets you edit what that pointer is referencing
- In c, swap(&a[0],&a[1]) is the same as swap(a,a+1)
- char ca[3] = "abc" is not a string
- Uninitialized spaces are set to nul: char ca[4] = {'a','b','c'}// a string
- You cannot assign to array (all at once) except at initialization in definition
- char * cp = "abc"; //string literal (you cannot change)
- strlen() does not count the nul character
- string functions
- strcat
- strncat
- strcmp
- strncmp
- strcpy
- strncpy
- strlen
- strchr- finds first occurrence of a specified character in a string
- strrchr-finds last occurrence of a specified character in a string
- strpbrk-finds first occurrence of any character from a set in a string
- strtok-parses a string into tokens
- character functions
- isalpha
- isalnum
- isdigit
- islower
- isupper
- ispunct
- isspace
- tolower
- toupper
- You can only initialize a character pointer, not any other type
- The array parameter for a function is always rewritten as a pointer by the compiler, that is void afunc(int[]) is really void afunc(int *)
- This means that the address is sent, not the contents of the array
- You can print decimals with printf %.2f
- To include a pointer in a typedef for a struct typedef struct _test{..} test, *testp; //just use the type testp to mean a pointer
- You can point to anything with the void pointer, but the void type may only be used with pointers
- You cannot dereference a void pointer
- NULL is the null pointer and it's included in stdio.h
- Without stdio.h you can use zero (for NULL), but make sure you cast to the appropriate pointer type (ie if returning void *, then return (void *)0)
- To use a void pointer with a function (ie enqueue(queue * q, void * item)) just pass in any pointer
- for dynamic memory allocation use: malloc(bytes)//returns a char *, so cast
- malloc() will return NULL if memory could not be allocated
- memory must be deallocated when using malloc, free(tmp)
- You can make a while loop for a linked list while(ptr) //means while(ptr !=NULL)
- Dynamic memory/ I/O
- memory leaks when it is allocated but not freed
- memory gets corrupted when it is freed but still in use
- memory corruption can also occur when program text is overwritten
- you can use calloc or malloc to define an array of elements
- calloc - (int *)calloc(n,sizeof(int));
- Use realloc to reallocate memory (use for array)- wlens = (int*)realloc(wlens,(n+1)sizeof(int))
- Use memset to initialize an array - memset((char *)(wlens),0,n*sizeof(int))
- Using the keyword continue in a loop statement (ie for or while) will go to next iteration
- fgets(buf,101,stdin) -> reads into buf until newline or eof is reached
- fgets() will return NULL if no characters were read (eof)
- fgets() places an extra \0 character following the characters it read
- the scan format %[^:] will print everything but the colon for an input variable (use with sscanf)
- for instance: sscanf(buf,"%[^:]:%[^:]:%[^:]:%s",lname,fname,id,email) (it will return the number of arguments read)
- I/O and Search
- Java input: bufferedreader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
- Java scan line: int v = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine())
- c scan line scanf("%d",&v)
- scanf will block until one character is pressed until a return
- Java can have an empty stop with br.readLine(), just do line.length()
- You could use gets for an empty stop: gets(buf), but this is a dangerous choice
- scanf returns number of values assigned
- char variable types can be used as integers, such as being iterator in for loop
- getchar() - gets one character from stdin
- putchar() - places one character in stdout
- You can test whether the input is an int, by converting it to an int then comparing it with the input
- You can tokenize a sentence with strtok(buf," ")//the second argument is the delimiter
- Token example: token = strtok(buf," "); while(token !=NULL){printf("%s\n",token); token = strtok(NULL," ");}
- strtok places a \0 character at the first place it finds a delimiter character, but it changes the original string
- strtok remembers the last place by using static variables
- In c you can define pointers to functions: int (*comp)(void *,void*) //a pointer called comp that points to a function that returns int and takes two void* arguments
- With gdb you can debug a program by setting break points (break n), telling it to run (run), stepping (s)
- start gdb by specifying the executable
- const int * x //this means the pointer points to a constant and the data it points to cannot be changed
- int * const x //constant pointer-- data it points to can be changed
- You can initialize a struct: struct _data key = {4,(char *)0}; //in one statement
- When you want sort or search with generic variables, tell the sort/search function what function to use for comparing
- You can have an array of function pointers: float (*funcs[])(float,float) = {add,sub,mult,div};
- Call like this: result = funcs[choice-1](x,y)
Friday, August 10, 2012
C Programming Basics : Arrays, Dynamic Memory, IO, and more
These are some notes from a java/c class I took
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